Be Slow To Criticize And Fast To Appreciate.

Criticism May Not Be Agreeable, But it is necessary..

Let's talk about being criticized, there is always someone who criticize about your work, or find faults in everything what you have done if I talk about my experience then yes, people also criticize about my blog post. The most hateful comment I've ever received is: your blog posts are totally waste of time.
"Criticism is fact of life and it can only hurt you if you allow it to"
If you choose to respond to people who criticized you, then just handle them with love and kindness. Don't give your power to anyone no Matter what happened just tell the people who criticized you that : "Judging me does not define who I am, It defines who you are."
We are all judged and criticized by others because there is no effort without errors and short comings.
"The one who criticized others is a one who do nothing and create nothing"
Just handle their comments with good laugh and tell them with kindness that their opinions are right and their opinions matters just kill them with kindness . In the end I just wanna say your mind will go where your attention is focused so just  focus on positive road of life not on the criticism and negativity from other which acts like a wall. Don't let these walls to control you and remember one thing "The bigger game you play the more criticism you will receive"
    Stay strong πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ
Love from-- Aqsa Javed Gaba


  1. I agree...and often times we can learn something from the criticism. We should always hold true to our own and never give away our individual power. Great post Aqsa Javed Gaba

  2. Thank you so muchπŸ˜„πŸ˜„

  3. I like this as a mantra. Seems everyone's a critic these days, but we get to choose how we respond to criticism.

  4. Important for all people to learn, especially given the divisive times we live in.

  5. Hey, You have been nominated for Blogger Recognition Award. See your name as a nomination at my new blog at -

    Best of Luck and God Bless! Have a great day!

  6. Wow, what wise words. Contrary to what one critic had to say about your blog, it is definitely NOT a waste of time. I valued every word of this post.

    1. Thank you. It means a lot for meπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

  7. So important to remember! Wise words!!


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