Work hard for your visions.

  "When The Vision Is Clear, The Result Will Appear. "

This world full of people where we all want to be successful and we all are running towards success but according to me all those peoples are divided into two categories, one who dreams about being successful and other who sets visions. There is a big difference between being a dreamer and visionary.
    If you want to be successful in life then set your visions because I think "every desired career demands basic skills and basic requirements and the most important  is vision" , ok I know all of you would thinks that why do I prefer you to set visions so here is your answer: "I think visionary is a person with genuine thoughts, great point of view, has a strength to face any type of situation peacefully and finds a solution of every problem that no one else ever imagined." The first stage of your vision is to "be positive" because being positive opens a doors of an extraordinary possibility. Set your visions and try to work according to it it helps you to see your destination more clearly  and help you to achieve your goals . In the end I just wanna say that never give up on your visions because its better to be a visionary then spending your nights dreaming about success with close eyes. The more clear your visions are, more successful you will become and plane your future with the imagination of wisdom, work day and night for the visions you set and remember one thing "One day all those sleepless working nights and hard working days will pay off ."

Stay strong๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ

Love from -- Aqsa Javed Gaba


  1. Thanks for the empowering and inspiring post. Visions are reflection of the owner. It takes effort, time, passion and commitment.


  2. Really motivating post, I would agree with you, everyone dreams for a better life or position but lack in the vision. Your vision is the scope of your dreams, your path that helps you keep on track and make your work hard towards a more defined goal.

  3. Spot on, having visions is really good. I think dreams are good in the sense that if you have dreams you can then envision success but dreams alone do not get you far. Until I did not set myself goals my visions did not become concrete. Allah (swt) helps those that help themselves.

  4. Masha'Allah very motivational &uplifting... I feel dreams are a good thing, but we must strive to make them happen!

  5. Yes! Love this! So true that some dream and some do. Let's do!!! Thanks for sharing this!

  6. This is very true, so motivating! Thank youu!

    When one has a clear vision of her goals, the rest they say, is history!

    1. Agree, we need to make all these things happen๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

  7. Very inspiring article.. Thanks for sharing this article. :)

  8. This was incredibly inspiring and so well written :) ( and

    1. Its my duty to help others by my words๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  9. You are right. There are a differences between visionaries and dreamers. One just thinks while the other does. Keep up with the inspiring words

  10. Such a motivating article! Work towards being one of those who turn their dreams and visions into reality! :)

  11. It's such a motivational and inspiring article. I think every girl must read this. Keep up your good work.

  12. I love the message behind this post - whenever I feel like giving up or just taking a step back, I always remind myself that the long days and nights will pay off!

    1. Yess!! Never give up because in the end everything will be fine๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ

  13. This is really true. Everyone wants to be successful, but it is the man who takes action that actually reach that goal.

  14. Inspirational post! Well written and motivating

  15. Thank you so much๐Ÿ˜Š your words means alot๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


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