Teach your girl that she is not perfect, she is brave

A Brave Girl Stands Up For Everyone.

We are raising our girls to be perfect and our boys to be brave. (Said by Reshma Saujani founder of  " girls who code")
Just focus on the words which are written above. Our society and we all are just losing out because we're not raising our girls to be brave. We all are living in a society where we often praised our girls for being "beautiful" and "perfect" and we praised our boys for being "hard-working" and "brave". We girls are always taught by our society that "our values lies more in how we cook, how we dress up, how we look and how we maintain our body shape rather than in chances we take"  but another hand we always teach our boys that "Don't be afraid, try to work hard, don't try to be perfect". You know it's the main reason that our girls avoid challenges, easily give up on every thing and try to look beautiful while boys who are taught for working hard  and be brave they accept all the challenges no matter how difficult they are because we always teach our boys that "success comes with failure". Many girls of our country, community and world stop raising their voice because they are afraid to be the only one who is fighting for their rights and freedom.
 Today's girls are not living in a "fairy tale" . Teach your princess "it's OK to be a tornado with pretty eyes and brave soul". Teach her to take a good risks in life. Let her know what it feels like to fall. Make your girls brave enough that she can clearly explain what she thought of the world.  You know " 87% of girls believe that girls are judged on appearance instead of ability". Let your girls know it's ok to be imperfect sometimes, tell her that she has the capability to do anything  because girls that we see today in school's desk and in colleges are the women of tomorrow. "Be Brave, Be Happy"

Stay strongπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ
Love From--Aqsa Javed Gaba


  1. Oh my god you are so right! I'm so tired of the stereotypical ways we raise girls from boys. Girls should be just as brave and hard working and determined and bada**! Thank you for the reminder :)

  2. Very true....I am not teaching my girls that they are perfect and beautiful...my youngest is learning karate and eldest isn't fussed about make up and looking pretty (yet)...I am raising them to be strong independent women

  3. Teach your princess "it's OK to be a tornado with pretty eyes and brave soul".
    I just love that! Yes! We need to raise strong, educated, confident girls as the future is FEMALE!
    Great post!

  4. This is so true! I hate being called pretty/cute! And literally jump with joy when I am compared with my dad's hardworking skills! In this day and age, its important to make sure that girls are stronger than ever!

  5. I think you have some good points, especially in regards to what we teach boys v. what we teach girls, however, are you saying that aiming for perfection isn't brave?

    1. Aiming for perfection is good but but in a world where we live, we teach our girls that be perfect and I think that no one is perfect there is always something bad in us and from which we are fighting just make your girls perfect with their imperfections.

  6. Very true. I hope to have both a son and daughter in the future who are strong, brave, follow their heart and do not let the world get in their way. This is great food for thought!

  7. LOVE this message. Teach all the children that anything is possible, regardless of their sex.

  8. I 100% agree. We as girls are so strong and we need to embrace it!

    1. Yes because we run the worldπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

  9. I definitely agree with you! At a very young age, girls need to know that they can succeed in whatever endeavor their heart desires!

  10. I am so against raising girls or boys based on stereotypes. I feel in today's time we need to be raising children regardless of their gender to be hardworking, confident, BRAVE, caring and helpful. Life isn't pretty and we need to raise tough girls especially. Thank you for sharing :) (www.beautywithzainy.com and www.spicyfusionkitchen.com)

  11. I agree with this completely, but it's only half the problem. We need to raise our boys to be sensitive and thoughtful as well, so the girls don't grow up and think they're only being judged on their appearance.

  12. 100%! A colleague of mine and I were discussing about our team -- about six writer/editors from various nationalities. We all do varying degrees of the same thing, but then men get paid more, and advertise their work and accomplishments easily. The women are constantly second guessing their decisions, and the least likely to advertise their work. Despite the fact that we are all different ages, from different countries and cultures...imposter syndrome is rampant among the women. This needs to stop ! <3 Great post!

  13. I couldn't agree more! It's so important to raise our daughters to be STRONG!

  14. This is absolutely true. I definitely grew up thinking it was more important to look good and be good for others than to be true to myself and be a good person...and my husband most definitely has the "gotta be a hard-working, tough guy" mindset lol

    1. It's a main problem dear and we have to solve this for our future generationsπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

  15. Thank you for the great reminder. I want my kids to be brave and strong and letting them fall make them stronger.

  16. A great refreshing read! I have 2 girls and a boy and I believe all of them are special, unique and will do great things. Helping them take a stand for truth is a powerful thing that transcends gender. Thanks for this reminder :)

  17. Wow wah a great article..i really luv dis

  18. I was just recently at a baby shower for a little girl and there were "well wishes" cards for the guest to fill out for the new baby. One of the wishes was I hope you're not afraid to _____. In that blank space I wrote "to take chances and be different." Your post really speaks to this and I was so glad to impart sentiments from your post to a baby girl to come! Great post!

  19. As a mother of a girl, I couldn’t agree more with you. This is what i tell my girl each day. I want to trach how to stand up for herself and be brave enough

    1. Ok that's great I respect your point of view..

  20. Yes! Yes! We have an ability and we are not just beautiful, perfect or imperfect but we are hardworking and brave too. Thanks for the insightful post!


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