Work hard for your visions.

"When The Vision Is Clear, The Result Will Appear. " This world full of people where we all want to be successful and we all are running towards success but according to me all those peoples are divided into two categories, one who dreams about being successful and other who sets visions. There is a big difference between being a dreamer and visionary. If you want to be successful in life then set your visions because I think "every desired career demands basic skills and basic requirements and the most important is vision" , ok I know all of you would thinks that why do I prefer you to set visions so here is your answer: "I think visionary is a person with genuine thoughts, great point of view, has a strength to face any type of situation peacefully and finds a solution of every problem that no one else ever imagined." The first stage of your vision is to "be positive" because being positive opens a doors of an extraordinary po...