The World's Biggest Power Is Youth...

   I decide to dedicate my this blog post to the voice of young generation like teenagers
or students of school,college and university.
    "Basically youth voice refers to the distinct ideas, opinions, attitude, knowledge and actions of young people as collective body"
Any adult who is fighting for gender equality or talk about country's affairs or talk about politics seems to be courageous or dedicated hero, but if we teenagers are fighting for gender equality or talk about country's or community's affairs, or talk about politics everyone stops us just because we are too young, or because we have very little voice, so we won't fix anything.
   My voice is disrespected hundreds of time only just because I am very young, or I am only 17 years old, so I am ignorant .I have years of experience that my voice is not respected.


   In our education system we expected to learn the whole course or to "absorb in" all the mathematics formulas, physics derivations and chemistry's equations and all the history and geography of world in social studies and with this too much burden we are expected to run the world someday . 
" I notice that when our grade level increases from kindergarten to primary, primary to secondary and then higher secondary fewer and fewer hands are raised to give an answer because students are not confident about their answers or maybe they are totally disinterested"
And its seriously big problem. Students and teenagers in schools and colleges thinks that their voice not matters, and that's why they stop sharing their ideas and stop learning new things and they are totally disinterested in their studies and in the end of academic year at the time of annual exams all they do is "Mug up" because we have been told by our adults that "you don't deserve to control over what you learn".  This statement is totally unbearable we teenagers just hate this statement.

Research shows that 64% of world's population is below the age of 35 and Pakistan is the fifth most populous country in the world and 46% population of Pakistan is below the age of 35. Once the youth of our country or world knows that their voice matters they are dedicated to their country. " Stop saying that we teenagers or youngsters don't care about country's or community's affairs many of us concerned and worried about country's and community's future. I find that young boys and girls do care about making difference"

" Fewer and fewer people voting each year and it is a fact that lost of votes means lost of democracy and lost of democracy means lost of country's future "
Encourage young people for votes and "let them know that they matter because they do". Research shows that 93% of young people want to be a volunteer because we teenagers and youngsters love sharing our ideas and thoughts with world.
  I want to live in a world where we value the voice of young girls and boys . Youth should be included in global conversations, and decision-making policies. We should create program which help teenagers to connect to the right volunteer position.
 So, adults I'm asking you to work with us because youth is highly ambitious for the betterment of world, country and community, and we all know "Unity is strength".
    "We teenagers are the most courageous people, and so many of us are ready to stand up for what we believe in and for justice"
          Stay strong πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ
Love From-- Aqsa Javed Gaba


  1. The young generation should stay strong and focused. One day your voice will be heard. Don't ever let anyone think you don't matter because you a great. I love your writeup from a teenagers point of view. I was once teenagers and I know how you feel. Keep up the good work. Believe in your dreams.

  2. wow such interesting and best stuff these days .. keep up the good work .. good job ✅

  3. Wonderful.
    We are the future
    We are changing the world.
    Nice one.


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