Do you wanna overcome your fear that what other people think about you????

" Everything you ever wanted is on the other side of fear"
In life if you want something or you want to achieve your goals then you have to overcome your fears.
Ok! Firstly I want to tell you that what is the " FEAR OF WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK"
"An extreme form of shyness and timidity (easily frightened) .It may include as awkwardness and uneasiness when appearing in public "
You know the fear of what other people think is a prison. It stop you from reaching your full potential and stop you from enjoying your life to its fullest.

   I couldn't bring myself to speak loudly in public or share my opinion with people just because I'm afraid of people .I think they point out at me and laugh at  my opinions . At school I'm also afraid of facing people I'm afraid of sharing my ideas and opinions with my teachers and mates because I think they make fun of my ideas .when I'm in public like in park or market or street my mind ran wild I think everyone looked at me and make fun of my looks.
     At that time I know am not living that life that I want to live. I want to share my ideas and my thoughts with people but the "fear of what people think" kept trapped me. I am afraid of rejection.
But few months ago everything changed . I am tired from this fear I want to free my self I realized that I'm not living that life I want to live.
   I made promises to myself to face my all the fears and face everyone without being afraid . I want to discover the " REAL ME" I just want to show the world that I'm the girl with no fears.
      To face all the fears were very challenging  for me as I commit to myself everyday to do things from which I'm afraid of the things that  are out of my comfort zone but being out of my comfort zone is very interesting for me because I discover the "NEW ME" .
  I pushed myself everyday sometimes I'm also afraid but I remember that I want to live my life to its fullest and I want to discover the "REAL ME" so,I know  I need to do it.After facing so many challenges and struggle here I am yes I finally overcome my fear.
I also ask this question to people that:

"How the fear of what other people think stop you to enjoy your life to its fullest or stop you from doing something you want to do???"

But I  receive no answer,
  But I know there are so many people who are suffering from the fear of what other people think. There is something they really want to do they also want to live there life to its fullest and also want to do what they want to do but they were held back by that fear .
    At that day I realized that how the fear of what other people think kept trapped us . In my opinion everyone should let go this fear.
    That day I learn something new:
"The unhappiness people in this world  are the people who care the most about what everyone else think."


"Remember that Everyone Of Us Struggling With Our Own Fear"

   It's our nature that whenever we are suffering from any problem or any fear we think that we are only one who suffer from this and everyone else are living the happy and content life.
  In our surroundings there are many confident people but It seems that they are confident or brave or smiling - we all are suffering from fears and we all are warriors and we all are struggling with our own fears there is always a war going on between ourselves and our fears.
    So, whenever you are afraid of that what other people think about you...." take a deep breath and remember that we all are living with our own fears and we all are fighting with our own fears..I am not alone".

    "Help Others TO OVERCOME their Fears"

Ok! When you decide not to care anymore about what people think about you then you are able to achieve your goals ,aims and you are able to live your dream life and you can also enjoy and live your life to its fullest then you are also able to help other to overcome their Fears .
  Your life becomes someones courage there is always someone in your surrounding  who wants to live  a life like you maybe you are someones inspiration.  By overcoming your fears you can inspires other and give them a power to do the same.
   Be faithful with yourself not be so judgmental about yourself or about others just confront your fears and help others to do a same .
Be honest and faithful  is the best gift you can give yourself

   "People Are Too Busy Worrying About Their Own Fears"

There was  time when I  was afraid of walking alone in public I think that Everyone just looked at me and make fun of my looks and opinions I think they are talked about me or judge me NO! Actually its only our own thoughts that they think about us but in reality the people are too busy worrying about their own fears.
   If people looked at you or judge you so plz don't worry maybe your personality is very inspiring to them maybe they love the colour of your hairs or they like your dressing sense and the way you look so confident.
    Its not necessary that people are always says something negative about you or bad words about you maybe you're wrong maybe they think something great about you. Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind  Dr  Seuss

"The Greatest Prison People Live In ,Is The Fear Of What Other People Think"

     You know when you are living inside prison for a long-time you forgot that how life outside the prison look like.
Living in a fear of what other think of you is same as living in the prison and the only way to make yourself free from this prison  is to overcome your fear of what other people think about you .Overcome your fear it is the only way  to make yourself free as bird.
   Don't be afraid ,freedom from the fear of what other think about you is possible only if the prisoners know that the life outside from this prison is beautiful and amazing and when you overcome your fear and make yourself free from the prison of what other think of you then you will realize that the life outside this prison is just awesome!
    Your job is to live the life you are born to live Don't think too much about what other people think about you its not your job anymore and there is no need to change yourself and your looks only just because people don't like that remember that you're just perfect the way you are whenever you're afraid of anything just close your eyes and remember one thing .
Its your life, your choices, your mistakes , your lessons .Don't let anyone control you to live your life to its fullest

"In last I want to give some advices which can really help you ":

What they think about you does even matter ? No, it doesn't .What they about you is not  important what you think about yourself is very important if you decide something in your life then stay true to your life and just stick to it. 
  If you find yourself as a copy with neat and empty pages then find new words for yourself .
     Don't change who you are .Be you and celebrate being different
 Just say loudly what you wanna say even if your voice shakes or your body shakes.  Be you don't be fake because in the end truth usually comes out.

The less you worry about what they think of you.The less complicated your life becomes
       Stay strong πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

Love From -- Aqsa Javed Gaba


  1. This is a great post! Its so important to not let what others may think of you stop you from being who you are. Always celebrate who you are

  2. I used to be a person that took in everything that everyone said about me. I would let it get under my skin and get to my head. I realized that it was beginning to get bad on my health. I no longer care what people think of me. I had to let that fear go

  3. Yes, worry about what other people think of you makes your life more complicated

  4. Great perspective! Thanks for sharing :)

  5. This was so good to read. It seems everyone can get caught up in a comparison game and fear of what other people will think but if you focus on your own life and do what is right for you, stick to your values and morals then everything else will fall into line.

  6. I used to worry about what everyone thought about me. As I got older, I realized that I will not please everyone, but it is important to please myself. Thank you for being brave!:)

  7. Great post! Very inspirational and just what I needed this week! Thank you!


  8. Great article! I really believe that you shouldn't care what people think of you. They almost made me kill myself for that, so right now I just don't give a damn about their opinions regarding the way I chose to live my life. Very nice article!


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